Friday, February 26, 2016

BALC 022616 Blog Hop

Just a little glimpse of snippets from my BALC "Birds and Nests" line. I don't want to give too much away yet, but production is in full swing.

I have gone with five different color pallettes, with five pieces each, so far: short necklace, earrings, bracelet, ring, and a long necklace. I'm still working on another earring design.

This has really been a fun, and challenging, experience, so far. I have always only done one-of-a-kind pieces in the past.

I can't wait to see what my fellow classmates are creating. I'm going to start hopping now.


  1. Allison, can't wait for you to roll out your line! Cheers!

  2. Look forward to your final reveal on April 1st Alison.

  3. Look forward to your final reveal on April 1st Alison.

  4. It looks like you've got some beautiful colors coming together for your Birds and Nests line. I can't wait to see it in April!

  5. Wow 5 different color palettes! I can't wait to see everything.

  6. Great post Ally. I like the sneak peeks you've given us. And of course love your bird theme!
    It was very nice to see some pictures of your past lines of Rosaries, Shappy Chic and Horses. Some amazing work!
    Look forward to seeing your reveal. It sounds wonderful.

  7. Alison, so happy that you're creating multiples for your line! So much fun, can't wait to see them!

  8. Alison, so happy that you're creating multiples for your line! So much fun, can't wait to see them!

  9. Birds and nests...can't go wrong there! Your previous lines were lovely, and this will be too.

  10. Looking forward to seeing your completed line, Alison ... love birdies! ;)

  11. Nice pics of your components Alison. Look forward to seeing your finished pieces.

  12. Nice pics of your components Alison. Look forward to seeing your finished pieces.

  13. Love the theme. Look forward to seeing the complete line!

  14. Love the theme. Look forward to seeing the complete line!
